Process safety is a blend of engineering and management skills focused on preventing catastrophic accidents and near misses. Process safety primarily focuses on structural collapse, explosions, fires and toxic releases associated with loss of containment of energy or dangerous substances such as chemicals and petroleum products.
For new installations, a HAZOP/HAZID should be carried out early in the design phase of a project, after the process design has been finalised and before detailed design. For existing plant and processes, HAZOP/HAZID may also be employed as part of the Management of Change process in the assessment of process design changes, and as part of a periodic systems review.
DSEAR stands for the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002. Dangerous substances can put workers’ safety at risk from fire and explosion. DSEAR puts duties on employers to protect them from risks to their safety from fires, explosions and similar events in the workplace, including members of the public who may be put at risk by work activities.
LOPA, SIL & Functional Safety
Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) is an analytical tool to determine the adequacy of protection layers used to mitigate a process risk. In comparison with HAZOP, which provides a qualitative view of risk, LOPA is a semi-quantitative approach which further analyses the barriers or protection layers.
COMAH Safety Care
The COMAH regulations aim to prevent major accidents and implement measures to limit the effects on people and the environment if one were to occur. There are two categories of COMAH application; lower tier and upper tier. The simplest requirements apply to lower tier operators.
Pressure Relief Systems
Drawing on our experience of working with many different organisations across the range of process industry sectors, Anderson Safety and Engineering is able to develop practical and innovative solutions which deliver value to our clients’ businesses.