Our health and safety consultancy services offer the very best personal approach to you. We provide comprehensive PUWER, CE Marking, General Policies and Procedures and Human Factors assesments. Our hands on methods offer practical and actionable advice for your business.
PUWER stands for the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (1999 in Northern Ireland). The regulations deal with the work equipment and machinery used every day in workplaces and aims to keep people safe wherever equipment and machinery is used at work.
CE Marking
How a product complies with EU safety, health and environmental requirements, and how to place a CE marking on your produc. The letters ‘CE’ appear on many products that are traded on the single market in the European Economic Area (EEA).
Policies & Procedures
As an employer you have a duty of care towards employees to ensure that you provide adiquate health and safety provision to ensure that their health and safety at work is provided for. Adiquate written policies and procedures are essential to meet this legal obligation.
Human Factors
Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) definition for human factors refer to personal, organisational and job factors, which influence behaviour at work in a way which can affect health and safety. Around 80% of accidents at work may be directly or partly attributed to human errors making human factors an essential health and safety consideration